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Raleigh > Real Estate > Real Estate for Sale > FSBO Doublewide Mobile Home

FSBO Doublewide Mobile Home


• 3 bedrooms

Raleigh, NC (Creedmoor / Granville Co) • 10/31/2006

1999 Heartland 28 x 48 doublewide mobile home, 3 bedroom and 2 bath. Located in Creedmoor 3 miles from city limits on private 1 acre rented lot, rent is $165.00/month. Home can be moved if you have land. Includes 10 x 9 storage shed, riding mower and push mower. Would prefer to sell for cash, but might consider lease to own. Please reply to or call 919-699-5464


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Raleigh, NC

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