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Raleigh > Real Estate > Apartments and Houses for Rent > Must see 50s Duplex

Must see 50s Duplex


• 2 bedrooms

Raleigh, NC (Mordecai) • 07/04/2006

Live inside the beltline, quiet street, great Mordecai neighborhood. Hardwood floors, central air, large kitchen(s), ample closets, washer / dryer, good natural light, large outdoor space, off street parking. Small approved pets OK ($150 non-refundable fee).

Only minutes to area schools, downtown Raleigh, Seaboard, Five Points, North Hills and Glenwood South.
-Two bedrooms
-One bath
-800 or 1000 sq ft.

Half block to public transportation, couple blocks from public park - great walking neighborhood.


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Raleigh, NC

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