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Raleigh > Classifieds > General for Sale > Ozzfest tickets - Aug. 9 at Alltel Pavilion

Ozzfest tickets - Aug. 9 at Alltel Pavilion

Raleigh, NC • 07/19/2006

I bought several Ozzfest tickets to cover for friends who won't be able to make it, so now two of them are up for sale. They're section 7, row N, seats 15 and 16. I bought these quickly when the ticket sales opened up so they're in a very good section.

Please note that these are online tickets (I printed them out). I'll be sitting in the three seats next to these with the remainder of my tickets.

I'll sell one or both ($90 each), they don't need to be sold as a pair. Note: I'll accept cash ONLY on this transaction.


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Raleigh, NC

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