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Raleigh > Community > Events and Entertainment > Huge Saturday Morning Yard Sale in Garner

Huge Saturday Morning Yard Sale in Garner

Event date: 06/13/2009 - 06/13/2009

Garner, NC (Garner) • 06/12/2009

Come one, come all, to the 2nd annual Rhum-Drumbuie Neighborhood yard sale.

Several houses will be participating. The garage sale will start at 6:30 and last until 10 or a little later

1) Aversboro off of US-70
2) Turn right onto Poole Drive at Webb's gas Station
3) First right (Rhum Place) or second right (Drumbuie)

Photo of Joe Peck.

Posted by: Joe P.

Located: Poole Drive at Drumbuie, Garner, NC

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